Teething Symptoms & How to Help
Written by Paul Vera on May 5th, 2022.

Teething can be frustrating for babies and caregivers alike. To help you and your little one navigate the teething stage, our team at Sunshine Pediatric Dentistry has put together this teething guide. Read on to learn more about teething symptoms and how you can help!
When Do Babies Start Teething?
Most babies begin teething between four and eight months. The lower front teeth are typically the first to appear, followed by the rest of your child’s baby teeth. The molars are the last teeth to develop, usually around 30 to 36 months.
What Are Some Signs My Baby is Teething?
Some of the more common symptoms of teething are drooling, swelling of the gums, sleep disruptions, irritability, appetite changes, and increased biting or gum-rubbing. While these are the general symptoms of teething, other babies exhibit different symptoms.
How Can I Soothe My Teething Baby?
Figuring out what will work for your baby involves a little trial and error, but we have a few ideas. First, a cold pacifier, teething toy, or clean wet washcloth may help your baby feel more comfortable. A gum massage might also ease your baby’s discomfort. Gently rub their gums with a clean finger, or let them gnaw on your finger (if they don’t have teeth yet!). If you use a teething ring, choose one made of firm rubber that doesn’t have liquid inside. Chill it in the refrigerator, not the freezer.
How Can I Care for My Baby’s New Teeth?
Good oral hygiene is important even before your baby gets their first teeth. You should be cleaning their gums with a wet washcloth or piece of gauze at least once per day. After your baby gets their teeth, continue this practice twice each day. Once your baby turns one, you can start using a soft-bristled baby toothbrush.
Pediatric Dentist in San Antonio
Sunshine Pediatric Dentistry’s team of pediatric dentists specialize in caring for babies’ teeth. We’d like to see your baby for their first appointment with our San Antonio office about the time they have their first birthday. We offer a number of different packages to make visiting the dentist more affordable. We have a special designed for infants up to one year and another for children age one to age five. To ask our team any questions about caring for your baby’s teeth or to schedule an appointment, call us today!
New Patient Specials
New patients only. Regular cost or orthodontic treatment can be between $2,500 and $6,000. No cash value. Call our office for details!

Includes a professional cleaning, exam, & fluoride. No cash value, not combinable, not valid with insurance. Offer valid for new patients, only.
Value of $326
Includes a professional cleaning, exam, x-rays & fluoride. No cash value, not combinable, not valid with insurance. Offer valid for new patients, only.
Value of $418

We have some tips to help ease your baby's discomfort when teething.